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Why Is It Important to Filter Water?


5 Top Benefits of Installing a Water Filtration System in Your Home

Even though the U.S. has one of the safest drinking water supplies in the world, we still have some issues to combat when it comes to the quality of our tap water. Installing a water filtration system will provide you with the following benefits:

Less tap water odor

If you have ever taken a sip of water to find that you were greeted with the smell of rotten eggs, hydrogen sulfide gas in your water might be to blame. Hydrogen sulfide gas is what gives water the “rotten egg” smell. Although it causes no known health effects, high concentrations of it can give the water an unpleasant taste. Installing a water filtration system in your home is a great way to remove hydrogen sulfide and kill sulfur.

Removing chlorine

Although the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency limits the amount of chlorine in drinking water to levels that are deemed safe for human consumption, it never hurts to be extra careful and remove as much chlorine as possible. Small amounts of chlorine in the water can contribute to odor and can even increase the risk of cancer. In fact, according to the U.S. Council of Environmental Quality, cancer risk among individuals who drink chlorinated water is 93% higher than among those whose water does not contain chlorine. Because a water filtration system will help remove chlorine through filtration, the system will lower these risks as well.

Saving money on bottled water

People often flock to bottled water instead of tap water because of its convenience and their perception of a safer beverage. However, bottled water is often just filtered tap water. Installing a water filtration system in the home can save money over time because you will not need to buy bottled water. As a bonus, taking bottled water off your shopping list can reduce your carbon footprint. Landfills in the U.S. are overflowing with more than 2 million tons of discarded water bottles, and each bottle takes around 1000 years to decompose. With your thirst quenched, your carbon footprint reduced, and your wallet full, you’ll find that a water filtration system is a win-win!

Increasing benefits of water for health and skin

If you follow health gurus in the slightest, then you have probably heard about all the health benefits of staying hydrated. The popular belief is that most people need around eight glasses of water per day to reach their body’s fullest potential. When you drink filtered water, the benefits you reap will only increase. Drinking filtered tap water can increase nutrient absorption, and aid in weight loss, detoxification, and healthy digestion. Furthermore, showering with filtered water is much better for your skin. Your body can absorb unhealthy contaminants through your skin the same way it can when you drink water. This can lead to skin irritation and dryness. Overall, filtering the water in your home can do wonders for the health of your body – both inside and out!

Removing heavy metals

Heavy metals are only in tap water in low concentrations, but you can never be too safe, and it is always good to avoid putting extra toxins in your body whenever you can. Some of the heavy metals commonly found in tap water include:


The EPA has reported that overexposure to manganese can lead to health problems related to the neurological system. Over time, exposure to manganese can affect specific regions of the brain and trigger neurotoxicity, resulting in a neurological brain disorder called manganism.


Thanks to our growing knowledge of the harmful effects of lead, increasing measures and laws have been taken in the last 20 years that have decreased our exposure to lead in tap water. However, we are still finding this toxin turning up in our tap water. The culprit might not be the water itself, but rather, the pipes the water runs through. Lead can still be found in some metal water taps, interior water pipes, and pipes that connect a house to the main water pipes on the street. At high concentrations, exposure to lead can lead to anemia, weakness, and kidney and brain damage.


In 2001, the EPA set a legal limit for arsenic in drinking water of 10 parts per billion, or ppb. This is good news because no amount of arsenic is healthy, and the effects of it in high concentrations are quite jarring. Long-term exposure to arsenic from drinking water and food can cause cancer and skin lesions, and it has also been associated with cardiovascular disease and diabetes, according to the World Health Organization. This is another harmful substance that a water filtration system can help you avoid.


The EPA has our best interests at heart. The harmful substance chromium is another toxin they have taken the initiative to limit in our tap water. For chromium, the EPA has a drinking water standard of .1 milligrams per liter, or 100 parts per billion (ppb). Chromium is a respiratory tract irritant that can cause pulmonary sensitization. It can also increase the risk of lung, nasal, and sinus cancers, and it can lead to dermatitis. Water filtration systems can help you avoid these risks by filtering out heavy metals like


This one might seem surprising because copper is an essential nutrient for the human body. It enables the body to form red blood cells and helps maintain healthy bones, blood vessels, nerves, and immune function. However, excessive copper intake can be harmful. Excessive copper intake can lead to liver damage, abdominal pain, cramps, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. Installing water filtration is one way to play it safe and mitigate these potential damages.

Ready to take the plunge and install a water filtration system in your home? Call Paradise Home Services at (850) 331-0361 or online to plan your installation today!

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