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How to Properly Maintain Your Water Filtration System


Water filtration systems can dramatically improve the quality of your Florida Panhandle home’s water. Whether you have a whole-house system or a system focused solely on filtering drinking water, your system will only be effective if it’s maintained properly. Some simple tasks you can tackle on your own while others might require professional assistance. Here’s what you need to know.

Why Is Water System Maintenance Important?

Water filtration systems are designed to remove sediment, chemicals, fluoride, and heavy mineral concentrations from your water. When you don’t change filters regularly or your system isn’t working properly, your water quality can be affected. The water’s taste might be the most noticeable issue, but poor-quality water can also affect your health. Poorly maintained systems can, in some cases, trigger gastrointestinal issues and skin problems, such as eczema outbreaks and skin rashes. Poor water quality has been linked to serious health issues, including cardiovascular problems and cancer.

Managing water can be associated with risks. For example, mold can grow in a poorly maintained water filtration system, especially if it isn’t serviced periodically or working correctly. Consuming mold from old or damaged filters can negatively affect your health. Mold can also grow outside the water filtration unit, particularly if there’s a leak. The resulting mold spores can then circulate in your home, enter your ductwork, and spread far beyond the original point of growth. Once they’re circulating in your air, they can cause respiratory problems and allergy symptoms.

Replacing Your Water Filters

The number of filters that a water filtration system uses will vary, but you likely have sediment filters, one or more carbon filters, and other membrane filters as part of your system. These filters don’t necessarily need to be changed all at once, so refer to the manufacturer’s information for your system and the filters you’re using. Many systems have an indicator light that will alert you when filter changes need to occur, so you don’t have to worry about keeping track.

The type of system you have will affect how you go about changing the filters. The process typically begins with shutting the water flow to the filtration system off. You’ll then need to open a faucet to relieve pressure and drain the remaining water. Next, you’ll simply remove the old filter cartridges and replace them with new cartridges. Finally, you’ll be ready to hook the system back up and start the water flow again. New filters may require you to flush water through the system a few times before consuming it. This is most common with a reverse osmosis system.

Some units have washable filters, which reduces the amount of money that you will need to spend on replacement filters. Just make sure you use caution when cleaning them to prevent damage.

Cleaning Your Filter Housing Assembly and Unit

The filters for your system will be housed together, and this assembly should be cleaned when you’re changing out your filters. Wash the housing and consider washing the various tubing that connect the filters to your water supply. Some of these parts can be replaced when they start to degrade. You will also need to replace filter O-rings periodically to promote a watertight seal and reduce the risk of leaks.

If you have a water storage tank, such as a reverse osmosis drinking water system, you’ll want to flush it out whenever you change the filters. Some manufacturers will recommend using a bleach or vinegar solution for this process. You’ll then need to flush the unit with clean water to remove any potential residue.

Inspect Your Water Filtration Unit

Periodically inspecting your water filtration unit can alert you to any potential issues that may warrant repair. Look for any signs of water leakage. One of the most obvious signs is water accumulating under the filter housing. The water might also drip from connecting tubes and hoses or leak out of the housing tank. Even a few slow drips can raise your utility bills and lead to extensive water damage in your home. Performing proper maintenance and repairs when needed can ensure that your water filtration system will last you many years.

Shutting Off Water to Your Unit

If you’re going to be away from home for an extended period, you should consider turning the water off to your water filtration system. This will prevent water from sitting in the collection tank or the filters, which could lead to premature wear and tear. This can also prevent leaks.

Consider Insulation

Insulation can be added around the housing unit to keep your water at a desirable temperature. If your system is kept in an area of the home that gets very cold in the winter and you’re concerned with the potential for freezing, consider adding insulation for added protection.

Professional Water Filtration Maintenance

While you can perform much of the needed water filtration system maintenance on your own, many people choose to have a professional take care of everything for them. This is the best way to ensure that filters are changed properly, that all parts are inspected and serviced as needed, and that water quality is maintained. Scheduling routine maintenance will save you money in the long term, as fewer repairs and system replacements will be needed.

Selecting the Right Water Filtration System

With so many different water filtration systems on the market right now, it can be overwhelming to choose one that’s going to provide you with optimal water quality throughout your home. First, you’ll need to decide if you’re interested in addressing water quality throughout the entire home or just drinking water. Then, consider your budget. Systems can range from just a couple of hundred dollars to much more than that.

The number of filters in your system will affect your decision. The more filters you use, the more contaminants that will be removed. It’s an excellent idea to remove harmful particulate matter and contaminants, but some people want to leave behind some of the minerals that are naturally present in the water. Carbon filtration can help improve the taste of your water while removing harmful chemicals.

A reverse osmosis system is another option for water filtration. This system uses pressure to force water through a series of filters, including a reverse osmosis membrane. Salt ions and sediment are all removed from your water during this process. Reverse osmosis technology is commonly used for drinking water purposes. You should expect to change the filters in your RO system once every 6 to 12 months.

For more information on servicing and maintaining your water filtration system, reach out to our team at Paradise Home Services. We can help you with this maintenance as well as installing water softeners. We can also help you with the installation of a brand-new water filtration system if this is something that you don’t yet have in your home. In addition, we also service water heaters, fix plumbing issues, replace fixtures, and take care of sewer problems. We install, repair, and maintain heating and cooling equipment in Navarre and throughout the Florida Panhandle. Contact Paradise Home Services today to schedule an appointment.

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