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Grinder Pump Care What Every Homeowner Should Know


As a homeowner, do you know what equipment is responsible for properly removing wastewater from your house? If you live in a low-lying area, chances are you have a grinder pump working hard behind the scenes. For those unfamiliar with grinder pump systems, these sewage ejector pumps grind up waste and push it out to the main sewer line since natural gravity flow isn’t possible. Proper maintenance of your grinder pump is essential to avoid clogs, overflows, and expensive repairs down the road. Whether you’ve lived with a grinder pump for years or just had one installed, it’s important to understand how it functions and how to keep it running well.

What is a Grinder Pump and what purpose does it serve?

As a homeowner, it is important to understand what equipment you have on your property and how it functions. One such device you may have is a grinder pump, also known as a sewage ejector pump. This pump serves a critical purpose in areas where standard gravity-fed sewer lines will not work effectively due to flat terrain.

A grinder pump is used to grind up and pump out wastewater from your home to the main sewer system. It is usually installed in a basin in the ground outside of your home. The pump has sharp blades that macerate the waste into a slurry that can then be pumped uphill to a gravity sewer line or directly to a treatment plant. These pumps require electricity to operate and run automatically based on the level of waste in the basin.

To ensure consistent function, grinder pumps require routine maintenance. It is recommended that you schedule professional inspections and servicing of your grinder pump at least once a year or as recommended in your pump’s specifications.


A qualified technician will check that all parts are in working order, clear any clogs, test the pump’s emergency backup system, and perform any necessary repairs or replacements to prevent malfunctions and keep your home’s plumbing running efficiently.

Though grinder pumps are built to require minimal homeowner maintenance, there are a few things you can do to aid in optimal and uninterrupted performance of your unit. Monitor your pump for any strange noises, overflowing or backed up drains which can indicate an issue and contact a professional immediately. You should also avoid pouring grease, oils or harsh chemicals down drains which can clog and damage the pump. Keep the area around the pump clear of debris and ensure the access lid remains securely closed when not in use.
With proper maintenance and care, a grinder pump can provide many years of trouble-free service for your home’s plumbing needs. Be sure to schedule routine professional inspections to keep this important equipment in working order.

Why Regular Grinder Pump Maintenance Matters

As a homeowner, it is critical that you understand the importance of regular maintenance for your grinder pump. These pumps are essential for properly processing waste from your home, but without proper care they can become damaged or clogged, leading to backups, overflows, and costly repairs.

To ensure safe, efficient, and uninterrupted operation of your grinder pump, it is recommended that you schedule routine inspections and service calls with a certified professional. During a standard maintenance visit, the service technician will evaluate the overall condition of your grinder pump system, including the pump basin, pump, piping, valves, and alarm system. They will check that all components are in working order, clear any clogs or obstructions, and test the pump to confirm proper operation before leaving your property.

Neglecting the necessary maintenance of your grinder pump can have serious consequences. Lack of use can lead to the drying out and damage of seals and other internal parts. The buildup of waste, grease, and debris within the pump or piping may cause clogs, reduce flow, and burn out the motor. Faulty valves or an improperly functioning high-level alarm system could allow overflows to occur, resulting in property damage and environmental issues.

To avoid expensive emergency service calls and unplanned grinder pump replacement, schedule routine professional maintenance at least once every 3-5 years, or sooner if you notice a decrease in performance or suspect an issue. A well-maintained grinder pump system will provide many years of trouble-free service, so think of regular service calls as an investment in the reliability and longevity of this important equipment.

Signs Your Grinder Pump Needs Service

As a homeowner, it is important to regularly inspect your grinder pump to ensure proper functioning and avoid costly repairs or replacements. There are a few signs that your grinder pump may need servicing by a professional.

Excessive Noise
If your grinder pump is making loud noises like grinding, squealing or rattling sounds, this could indicate worn or damaged parts that need replacement. The most common causes of excessive noise are worn bearings or impellers. It is best to have a technician inspect and service the pump to avoid further damage or failure.

Frequent Clogs
If your plumbing fixtures are experiencing frequent clogs or your grinder pump is activating more often, this could point to issues with the pump impeller, cutter blades or discharge pipe. The impeller or cutter blades may be worn or damaged, preventing proper grinding and ejection of waste. A technician can clear any clogs, inspect the pump components and repair or replace damaged parts.

Higher Electrical Bills
If you notice a significant increase in your electrical bills, it could indicate your grinder pump is working harder and running for longer periods. This could be a sign the pump needs to be serviced to ensure efficient operation. A technician can test the amperage draw and check for any issues, then perform necessary repairs or adjustments to restore normal function.

  • Slow drains or backed up plumbing fixtures
  • Activation of the pump alarm or warning light
  • Musty smells coming from the pump or discharge pipe

To maximize the lifespan of your grinder pump, it is recommended to schedule routine professional inspections and maintenance. Technicians have the proper tools, training and experience to thoroughly assess your pump’s operation, perform necessary repairs and help prevent emergency service calls. Annual service is typically adequate for most residential grinder pumps.

DIY Grinder Pump Checks You Can Do

As a homeowner, it is important to regularly inspect and maintain your grinder pump to ensure proper functioning and prevent expensive repairs or replacement costs down the line. By performing a few simple DIY checks, you can catch small issues before they become big problems.

Check the Alarm Panel
The alarm panel on your grinder pump controls the unit and alerts you to any malfunctions. Inspect the panel to ensure all lights are working properly. The power on and ready lights should be illuminated, while the high level and overload lights should be off. Any other lights indicate an issue and require service.

Inspect the Discharge Pipe
The discharge pipe carries waste from the grinder pump out to the main sewer line. Check that the pipe shows no signs of leaks, cracks, or blockages. Clear the pipe of any debris like roots or sediment buildup. A clogged discharge pipe prevents proper functioning and risks overflowing into your yard or home.

Test the Emergency Backup System
In the event of a power outage, an emergency backup system will automatically start your grinder pump. Manually test this backup system by flipping the emergency backup switch on. The grinder pump should activate briefly before the switch automatically resets to auto/off. If the backup system does not activate the pump, schedule service immediately to avoid problems during a power outage.

Pump Out the Wet Well
The wet well holds waste from your home before the grinder pump transports it to the sewer line. Pump out and thoroughly clean the wet well every 6-12 months to remove sludge and debris buildup, especially if you notice decreased water flow or gurgling sounds from drains. A full wet well reduces pumping efficiency and risks overflowing into your home.

By routinely inspecting your grinder pump and completing these DIY maintenance checks, you can help ensure uninterrupted service and a properly functioning wastewater system for your home. Call a professional for any issues detected during your inspections or if you have concerns about your grinder pump.

Professional Grinder Pump Maintenance Tasks

As a homeowner, it is critical that you understand the importance of professional maintenance for your grinder pump. Neglecting routine service and repairs can lead to costly damage and service interruptions.

Annual Inspections
At a minimum, have a certified technician inspect your grinder pump once per year. They will check that all components are functioning properly, clear any clogs, test pressure levels, and ensure there are no leaks in the tank or discharge lines. Early detection of issues can help avoid emergency service calls and prevent sewage backups in your home.

Tank Pumping
Over time, sludge and solid waste can build up inside the grinder pump tank. Have the tank pumped by a professional every 3 to 5 years to remove this waste and keep your system running efficiently. Pumping the tank will also allow the technician to fully inspect the pump impeller and grinders, which can become worn or jammed by debris over the years.

Repair and Replacement
If your annual inspection or service call reveals that your grinder pump is malfunctioning or parts need replacement, address these issues promptly. Continuing to operate a faulty system can cause damage to components, reduce effectiveness, increase your utility bill, or in worst cases lead to sewage overflows in your home. It is best to rely on a professional to repair or replace vital grinder pump parts.

Emergency Service
In the event of a problem with your grinder pump that causes a sewage backup, call for emergency service immediately. Raw sewage spills require proper clean-up and pose health hazards if not addressed quickly. A professional service can dispatch a technician anytime day or night to assess and repair or replace your grinder pump in emergency situations.

Your grinder pump is a vital system in your home that requires professional maintenance and care. Following recommended service schedules and responding quickly to any issues will help keep your grinder pump running efficiently for years to come and prevent avoidable and costly damage. Be sure to contact a certified professional for all your grinder pump service needs.

Grinder Pump FAQs: Common Questions Answered

As a homeowner with a grinder pump, it is important to understand how it operates and properly maintain it. Failure to do so can lead to clogs, overflows, and costly repairs. By following the recommendations below, you can help ensure uninterrupted service and a long lifespan for your grinder pump.

It is recommended that you have a licensed plumber conduct routine inspections of your grinder pump, especially if you notice changes in performance like increased noise, vibration, or backflow. During inspections, the plumber will check for clogs, test the pump’ amperage to ensure proper operation, inspect the tank for cracks or leaks, and test the pump and flotation switches.

A grinder pump is a wastewater conveyance device that grinds up sewage from your home into a slurry for transport into a municipal sewer system or septic tank. It is typically installed when drainage by gravity alone is not possible due to an inadequate slope. The pump grinds the waste into small particles to allow it to pass through small-diameter discharge pipes.

There are several steps you can take to properly maintain your grinder pump:
  1. Do not flush wipes, diapers, kitty litter, grease or oils down drains. Only flush toilet paper.
  2. Run 2-3 gallons of water after using the garbage disposal to flush any remaining particles into the grinder pump.
  3. Pump out the septic tank connected to the grinder pump every 3-5 years to remove solids and prevent blockages.
  4. Inspect the grinder pump tank and inlet/outlet pipes regularly for any cracks or leaks and repair immediately.
  5. Landscape the area around the grinder pump to prevent surface water from draining into the tank. Install gutters and downspouts to divert water away from the unit.

Following these best practices for grinder pump operation and maintenance will help reduce service calls, lower utility costs, and prevent overflows, keeping your system running smoothly for years to come. Please contact your plumber or utility provider with any additional questions.


As a homeowner, it’s important to understand how critical your grinder pump is to your plumbing system and home’s functionality. Neglecting maintenance or ignoring warning signs can lead to expensive repairs, sewage backups, and health hazards. By following a regular inspection schedule, keeping the pump area clear, and contacting a professional when you notice changes in sounds or performance, you’ll help ensure uninterrupted service and peace of mind. Your grinder pump works hard behind the scenes – make sure to show it some appreciation with routine care and checkups. Proper maintenance today means avoiding big headaches tomorrow.

Call Paradise Home Services to have your grinder tune-up scheduled today. You can reach us at (850) 331-0361 or email us at

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