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What Causes Low Water Pressure?


Homeowners may not think about water pressure until it becomes a problem, but it dictates many parts of their daily lives. When you shower, wash dishes, or run the washing machine, you depend upon a certain level of water pressure. Adequate water pressure allows these tasks to be completed efficiently so that you can have a sanitary and pleasant home. However, when water pressure begins to dip below 40 PSI, several issues can occur.

If you’ve ever experienced low water pressure, it can be frustrating and hard to deal with. You might notice that it has become harder to get your hair clean and rinsed due to low pressure in the shower. You might also see that dishes and clothing won’t quite get clean anymore due to low pressure in appliances. These impacts on your household can be more than a minor inconvenience. If you’re facing one of these problems, you may wonder what the cause is. Paradise Home Services in Panama City Beach can help determine which of the following may be the culprit.

Municipal Water Supply

If you suspect you may be plagued with low water pressure, the first place to have checked is the water meter and then the municipal supply. Homes hooked up to municipal water supply lines are subject to local pressure minimums and maximums. This means the city or county itself controls how much water pressure is allowed to be used in the home. Sometimes, due to local laws or other issues, this number may be adjusted for your household.

Sometimes, the actual water pressure supplied to your home can fall below the minimum requirement. If the meter is checked by a professional and found to have an unusual reading, a call to the municipal water company may be necessary to see what’s changed. This can alert the municipal water supplier to a problem in their lines.

Issues With Your Home Pipes

Pipes can easily be the cause of water pressure problems in your home. The older your pipes, the more likely this could be the cause. Here are some of the main things that could go wrong with your pipes and affect your water pressure.

Leaky Pipes

Sometimes, pipes can be damaged, especially those outside the home. Landscaping and digging for any reason can damage your water lines. Something as simple as a tiny hole can cause enough water to escape and affect water pressure. In addition to low water pressure, signs of a leak in the outside pipes include soggy or particularly lush areas of your yard. You can also have a leak in the pipes inside your home. Some leaks are easy to detect, while others are hidden. If you suspect a leak, give us a call for leak detection and repair. Signs of leaking pipes inside the home include:

  • Sounds of dripping in faucets or under cabinets
  • Wet spots on the floor or walls
  • Mold near where pipes are located
  • Water stains on ceilings or walls
  • Dampness anywhere there is plumbing
  • Rushing or running water sounds

Clogged Pipes

If your pipes are clogged anywhere down the line, it’s going to be harder for the water to flow through them from the source. For potable water lines, this is likely due to mineral buildup. Whether a fixture’s direct pipe is clogged or the larger pipes in the ground are to blame, this is going to affect the quality of your plumbing in the home.

Corroded Pipes

Some homes still have old galvanized pipes. This type of piping is known for its likelihood of corrosion. This corrosion can form a ring around the inside of old pipes as the material breaks down, which will restrict water flow into your home. Corrosion can also lead to cracks and holes that leak water, lowering the pressure. Corroded pipes usually require replacement with updated materials by a professional plumbing company.

Valve Issues

If your pipes aren’t the reason for your water pressure woes, it could be due to issues with the valves. The first place to check is always the main shut-off. Sometimes, it can be left partially closed if it needed to be turned off for a plumbing issue. Many homes also have pressure-reducing valves. These could be located on each fixture or at the main line and are often adjustable. You may need to adjust your water pressure at this source or have the valves removed or replaced if they are causing significant problems.

Fixture Issues

If you’ve noticed a water pressure problem in only one or two areas of the home, the cause might be the fixture itself. One common problem with low water pressure in a particular fixture is limescale and dirt buildup, especially with faucets and aerators. A plumber may need to remove the aerators and faucets in order to see if they need cleaning. Then, they can be tested again after cleaning to make sure the issue has been resolved.

Water Heater Problems

A problem with your water heater may be indicated if you experience low water pressure only when the hot water is being used. This can be subtle at first, especially since you may have both hot and cold on at once when you notice the issue in a sink or shower. If you test the theory and the issue is only with the hot water, then look no further than at your water heater for the culprit.

Water heaters, especially those over a decade old, can be a common cause of water pressure problems. Whether the water heater is leaking, has a clog due to sediment or corrosion, or the valves aren’t fully open, it may be time to get a professional plumber to repair or replace the water heater.

Water Demand Problems

Do you have a busy household with multiple occupants? If so, the source of the water pressure issue could be the high demand on your plumbing systems. If you find your issues mostly occur when more than one fixture is running in the home, it could be that your plumbing either can’t handle the demand or that you need to rethink the household routine.

Modern plumbing should be able to handle someone showering and another person washing their hands. Still, if three or more people are using water at once, this could reduce the pressure in any household.

Another issue with demand in some neighborhoods is shared pipelines. There are still places where two or more houses will draw their water supply from the same pipe system. This can present a problem if multiple households are running multiple sources of water at once.

Contact Your Low Water Pressure Experts

If you’re experiencing plumbing issues such as low water pressure, it’s important to make sure you call in an expert local plumber to discover which of the above is causing the issue. We have specialized tools and technology to detect the source of your low water pressure problems. We can then get to plumbing replacement or repair right away so that you can get back to your normal routine. If you need plumbing services for low water pressure in the Florida Panhandle, contact Paradise Home Services for fast and efficient services today.

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