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Simple, Fast, and Safe Way to Protect Your Home and Business- Whole Home In-Duct Air Purifiers


Why Whole Home In-Duct Air Purifiers?

  • Kill up to 99% of bacteria, mold, and viruses
  • Reduce sneeze germs by 99% in the time a sneeze can reach three feet
  • Kill 99% of viruses on surfaces

The need for clean, virus-free air has never been more apparent and vital to our generation. For years, Paradise Home Services has been installing whole-home in-duct air purifiers capable of purifying every cubic inch of air that your central air conditioning system reaches. These systems were invented to recreate nature’s process of purifying the air. So, it’s like bringing fresh outdoor air inside without ever having to open your windows. And it’s effective against all three categories of indoor air pollutants: Particulates, Microbial, and Gases. So nasty virus partials floating around in the air of your home are eliminated!

By simply installing this amazing in-duct air purifying system in your home, you can now reduce common allergy triggers from particulates such as pollen, mold spores, dander, and dust. Thoroughly tested on airborne and surface bacteria & viruses, such as MRSA, e-coli, and Norwalk, to name a few.

We have a limited supply of these clean air amazing units left in stock. If you are interested in having one installed in your home soon, today!

  • Kills up to 99% of bacteria, mold, and viruses
  • Reduces sneeze germs by 99% in the time a sneeze can reach three feet.
  • New zinc ions kill 99% of viruses on surfaces

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