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Why Now Might Be the Best Time to Replace Your HVAC System


As the year draws to a close, new changes are coming for the HVAC industry on January 1, 2023. These regulations aim to increase energy efficiency standards, and prices are projected to increase. It’s essential to take advantage and save money, as air conditioning repair services will cost you more in the future. This article will cover everything you need to know about what this means for your HVAC system.

How Does the HVAC Rating Work?

The SEER rating measures the efficiency of any HVAC system. The term “SEER” stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. SEER measures the air conditioning and the heat pump efficiency through a typical cooling season. The process then divides the total electric energy input during the same period. The maximum number of efficiency outputs equals the SEER rating for that particular HVAC unit.

In other words, a higher SEER rating for an HVAC unit means lower energy consumption. Your cooling system won’t work as hard to cool your home.

Why Make the Changes Now?

As technology improves with time, the HVAC industry improves as well. The HVAC regulations not only affect HVAC systems, but they also transition to split systems into AC units and heat pumps. This means that air conditioning units will work better at cooling your home. One of the biggest reasons the changes are being implemented is the environment. These new HVAC regulations benefit both you and the environment. With higher efficiency ratings, your unit will use less electricity—this increase in efficiency results in fewer fossil fuels being burned for operation.

Who Does This Affect?

Once the new AC regulations kick in, it will affect both the northern and southern portions of the United States. The north will see a minimum requirement of a 14 SEER rating, while we, in Pensacola, Destin, and the entire Emerald Coast, will see a minimum of a 15 SEER rating. The increase for the minimum SEER rating 2023 is only one. However, the changes are still significant enough to where the consumer will notice the difference in performance. Of course, the consumer can also opt for a higher SEER rating that will yield more savings.

Where Can You Find the New Changes?

Each HVAC unit will come with a SEER rating. The SEER rating is labeled on a yellow sticker that reads “Energy Guide.” You can find it near the top of the label. If you are unsure which rating would work best for your home, you can contact Paradise Home Services. Our technicians will recommend the best options for your location and the overall layout of your home.

Preparing Now is Important

If you do have an older system, you must begin preparing now. The 2023 SEER change means that older models will be phased out. What does this indicate? If your HVAC system comes with a SEER rating that has been phased out, parts for repairs will no longer be available. This will also include refrigerant changes in 2023 when your system is running low. As more manufacturers halt production for older parts, your repair costs will increase. Finding the parts for older units will become more complex.

The Contractors

To track these new requirements, the Department of Energy will require contractors to record any pertinent information regarding the HVAC unit’s model number, serial number, date of purchase, contact information, and address where the unit was installed. If the DOE finds an illegal installation has occurred, they will issue a Notice of Violation to the installer. Both contractors and companies should begin preparing their inventory and training their techs on tracking any necessary information for these new regulations.

Should You Upgrade Your HVAC System?

As a rule of thumb, any HVAC system older than 10 to 15 should be replaced — at a minimum, inspected for SEER rating and efficiency. As the 2023 HVAC efficiency standards go into effect, hiring a professional for an inspection would be ideal. A qualified technician can recommend a replacement that will meet the new AC regulations and optimize your home’s cooling capacity. It is essential if you live in an area where both humidity levels and heat indices reach a high number. To put things into perspective, a 16 SEER rating can save you up to 50 percent in energy bills.

A Dependable HVAC Company In Pensacola and Destin

The HVAC system keeps your home comfortable all seasons of the year. At Paradise Home Services, we understand the importance of a properly maintained and optimized air conditioning unit.

Our technicians are trained and certified for all your HVAC installs and repairs. We will deliver high-quality results on all HVAC services in Pensacola, Destin, and all cities in between. Contact Paradise Home Services today to learn more about the new 2023 HVAC regulatory changes.

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